sábado, 12 de março de 2016

International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M)

The International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M) is committed to foster transdisciplinary research and innovation in the fields of manufacturing, design, architecture and construction, with a focus on a new culture of eco- design and innovation, towards smarter and sustainable manufacturing systems. A new culture of greater resource efficiency and disruptive innovation will require new technologies, processes and materials.
The innovation challenge will drive a systemic transformation, bringing forward new business opportunities. S2M aims to gather academics, researchers, industry and economy professionals around today´s critical challenges towards a zero-economy waste and society.
Please, submit your abstract online at:  http://s2m.fa.ulisboa.pt/openconf/openconf.php
Important dates:
·                     Abstract submission – 31 March, 2016
·                     Notification of Acceptance - 15 April 2016
·                     Paper submission - 15 May 2016
We kindly invite you to participate at this exciting international event. All submitted papers will be rigorously peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in Hardcover Book entitled Challenges for Technology Innovation: an Agenda for the Future.
Please visit S2M website at http://s2m.fa.ulisboa.pt/ , or send an email s2m@fa.ulisboa.pt for more information.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Lisbon
Com os meus melhores cumprimentos,
Filipa Nogueira Pires,
Equipa CIAUD
Tel.:00351 213 615 817
Descrição: CIAUD_FA_Simples_fundo-branco

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